The list of TEXAS INSTITUTE OF LETTERS MEMBERS from 1936 to 1966 was compiled from lists included in William Vann’s History of the Texas Institute of Letters: 1936 to 1966. However, Betty Wiesepape found that Vann’s list of inactive members in 1966 was probably not a complete listing. The list of TIL members from 1966 through 2012 was compiled from membership lists that appeared in TIL banquet programs with the exception of 1967 and 1988. No programs for those years were ever located, but Bob Compton located a list of new members who were inducted in 1988 when he was putting together the historical list of TIL officers, and because Betty Wiesepape had membership lists from 1966 and 1968, she was able to determine all members who were inducted between 1966 and 1968. Bob Compton supplied additional lists of new members that appeared in newspaper reports, as well. When discrepancies existed, Betty Wiesepape recorded the year that the member in question was first listed in a program or in a banquet program.
* Indicates charter members as listed in William Vann’s The History of the Texas Institute of Letters: 1936-1966.
** Indicates individuals listed as members in 1966 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of TIL by William Vann in The History of the Texas Institute of Letters: 1936-1966.
- Francis Abernathy (1974)
- Margaret Abrams ** (inducted before 1966)
- Sam Acheson ** (inducted before 1966)
- Michael Adams (1993)
- Ramon F. Adams ** (inducted before 1966)
- Walter Adams * (1936)
- Betty Adcock (2003)
- Ricardo Ainslie (2006)
- Ai Albany (2003)
- Susan Wittig Albert (2010)
- Rosa Alcalá (2019)
- Frederick Luis Aldama (2022)
- Frances Alexander ** (1940)
- Crystal Allen (2021)
- William Allen (1980)
- Felix D. Almaraz (2002)
- Judy Alter (1986)
- Dillon Anderson ** (inducted before 1966)
- Wes Anderson (2019)
- Jean Andrews (1987)
- Kathi Appelt (2011)
- Max Apple (1978)
- Shelley Armitage (2022)
- A. Joseph Armstrong * (1936)
- June Arnold (1980)
- William Arrowsmith (1960)
- Ruth Averitte ** (1940)
- Hugh Aynesworth (2005)
- Clarence Ayres ** (inducted before 1966)
- Sanley E. Babb* (1936)
- Varsha Bajaj (2024)
- Karl Wilson Baker* (1936)
- Paul Baker ** (inducted before 1966)
- T. Lindsay Baker (2008)
- Rebecca Balcárcel (2024)
- Cecilia Ballí (2024)
- Carolyn Banks (2002)
- William E. Bard** (inducted before 1966)
- Eugene C. Barker* (1936)
- Wendy Barker (1990)
- Joel Barna (1993)
- William D. Barney ** (1952)
- Anne Barnstone (1977)
- Alwyn Barr (2011)
- Montgomery (Monte) Barrett (inducted before 1966)
- Neil Barrett Jr. (1999)
- Gregg Barrios (2015)
- Donald Barthelme (1970)
- Frederick Barthelme (1986)
- Chris Barton (2021
- Jacques Barzun (2001)
- Rick Bass (1991)
- John O. Beaty* (1936)
- Roy Bedicheck (inducted before 1966)
- Robert Benton (1986)
- Michael Berryhill (2014)
- Kent Biffle (2007)
- John Biggers (1970)
- Alan Lee Birkelbach (2014)
- Sarah Bird (1993)
- Sue Bishop (2016)
- Sheila Black (2023)
- Scott Blackwood (2008)
- John Blair (2005)
- Glenn Blake (2020)
- James Carlos Blake (2000)
- Nate Blakeslee (2020)
- John Bloom (1999)
- Mody C. Boatright ** (inducted before 1966)
- Elroy Bode (1968)
- Philip Boehm (2025)
- Paul F. Boller, Jr. ** (1964)
- Robert Bonazzi (2008)
- Bruce Bond (2003)
- George Bond ** (inducted before 1966)
- Jim Bones (1977)
- Allan R. Bosworth ** (inducted before 1966)
- Edwin T. Bowden ** (inducted before 1966)
- David Bowles (2017)
- Mary Rives Bowman (inducted before 1966)
- John W. Bowyer (1967)
- Michael Bracken (2024)
- Haldeen Braddy (inducted before 1966)
- Jerry Bradley (1999)
- Billy Lee Brammer (inducted as “William Brammer” before 1966)
- Eldon Branda (1978)
- Jay Brandon (1994)
- H.W. Brands (2002)
- Bill Brett (1982)
- J. Mason Brewer (inducted before 1966)
- Sharon Bridgforth (2025)
- Mary Brinkerhoff (1974)
- Douglas Brinkley (2011)
- Robert Lee Brothers ** (inducted before 1969)
- Clinton G. Brown (inducted before 1966)
- Rosellen Brown (1985)
- Jenny Browne (2023)
- William Broyles (1975)
- J. Y. Bryan ** (1964 or 1988)
- Henry Bullock (1970)
- Anita Bunkley (2004)
- Joan Burditt (appears on the inactive list in 2001 but not on any membership list)
- Lolah Burford (1975)
- William Burford** (inducted before 1966)
- Paul Burka (1977)
- James Lee Burke (1996)
- John G. Burnett** (inducted before 1966)
- Bryan Burrough (2011)
- Mark Busby (1996)
- Bobby Byrd (2017)
- Lee Merrill Byrd (2017)
- Sigman Byrd* (1936)
- Jerry Bywaters ** (1959 or 1988)
- Raymond Caballero (2021)
- Gail Caldwell (2021)
- Hughie Call ** (inducted before 1966)
- Kathleen Cambor (1997)
- Camilla Campbell** (inducted before 1966)
- Ewing Campbell (2000)
- Randolph “Mike” Campbell (2002)
- Gregg Cantrell (2009)
- Norma Cantú (2012)
- Ben Capps** (inducted before 1966)
- Don Carleton (1986)
- Paul H. Carlson (2013)
- Christopher Carmona (2023)
- Robert A. Caro (1988)
- Liz Carpenter (2001)
- Pat Carr (1992)
- Gary Cart
- wright (1977)
- Charles Carver (1953)
- Oscar Casares (2004)
- Bill Casey** (inducted before 1966)
- Ty Cashion (2007)
- Cyrus Cassells (2020)
- Rosemary Catacalos (1985)
- Kay Cattarulla (1999)
- Daniel Chacón (2018)
- Joseph E. Chance (2010)
- Carol Flake Chapman (2022)
- Cheryl Chapman (2004)
- John Chapman** (inducted before 1966)
- Hayan Charara (2023)
- e.E. Charlton-Trujillo (2025)
- Denise Chavez (1991)
- Donald E. Chipman (1994)
- Paul Christensen (1997)
- Sandra Cisneros (1999)
- Cary Clack (2017)
- LaVerne Harrell Clark (2001)
- L.D. Clark (2001)
- Mary Whatley Clarke (1972 or 1988)
- Catherine Clinton (2022)
- D .L. Coburn (1978)
- Mike Cochran (2009)
- Allison Hedge Coke (2021)
- Pamela Colloff (2014)
- Betsy Colquitt (1997)
- Alessandra Comini (1978)
- Robert Compton (1987)
- E.P. Conkle** (1940)
- Richard Condon (1986 or 1988)
- Seymour (Ike) Connor (1977)
- Gillian Conoley (1993)
- Allison Cook (1993)
- Christopher Cook (2013)
- Joe Coomer (1987)
- J.California Cooper (1995)
- Madison Cooper (1952)
- Alfredo Corchado (2018)
- Sarah Cortez (2012)
- Robert C. Cotner ** (1960)
- Sean Cotter (2025)
- Margaret Cousins ** (inducted before 1966)
- Pascal Covici, Jr. ** (inducted before 1966)
- Mike Cox (1993)
- Patrick Cox (2019)
- Thomas M. Cranfill ** (inducted before 1966)
- Max Crawford (2000; died in 2010)
- Jerry Craven (2003)
- Bill Crider (2000)
- James Crisp (2015)
- Deborah Crombie (2007)
- Justin Cronin (2012)
- Elizabeth Crook (1993)
- Alfred Crosby (1996)
- Evelyn Miller Crowell (inducted before 1966)
- Grace Noll Crowell* (1936)
- Norman H. Crowell (inducted before 1966)
- Rodney Crowell (2025)
- Paul Crume (inducted before 1966)
- James Crumley (1986)
- Nan Cuba (2015)
- Light T. Cummins (2010)
- A.B. Cunningham (1940)
- Eugene Cunningham* (1936)
- Greg Curtis (1977)
- Tom Curtis (1997)
- E.E. Dale (1968)
- Terence Dalrymple (1994)
- Crane Dalton ** (inducted before 1966)
- Charles (Chip) Dameron (2007)
- Marcia Hatfield Daudistel (2018)
- Tracy Daugherty (1998)
- John Davidson (1981)
- Robin Davidson (2019)
- Anne Pence Davis ** ( 1937)
- Rod Davis (2013)
- Ronald L. Davis (1980)
- Steve Davis (2009)
- William Virgil Davis (1983)
- Carol Dawson (2000)
- Joseph M. Dawson* ** (1936)
- Donald Day (inducted before 1966)
- E.M. (Ted) Dealey ** (inducted before 1966)
- James Q. Dealey* (1936)
- Edith Deen ** 1964 or 1988)
- Rubén Degollado (2023)
- E. DeGolyer (inducted before 1966)
- Jesus F. de la Teja (2000)
- Melissa del Bosque (2016)
- Arnoldo de Leon (1996)
- Rick DeMarinis (1993)
- Al Dewlen (inducted before 1966)
- Tony Diaz (2021)
- Chitra Divakaruni (2009)
- Robert Divine (1970)
- J. Frank Dobie* (1936)
- Tom Dodge (1998)
- Heath Dollar (2023)
- Jim Donovan (2009)
- Robin Doughty (1986)
- Robert Draper (1993)
- Mylene Dressler (2002)
- Louis Dubose (1998)
- Gerald Duff (2013)
- Ronnie Dugger ** (1956)
- John W.F. Dulles (1974)
- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (2023)
- James Early (1973)
- Dave Edmunds (2004)
- Owen Egerton (2023)
- Lars Eighner (1994)
- Chris Ellery (2009)
- Lee M. Ellison (inducted before 1966)
- Joe Ely (2017)
- Chris Emmett (inducted before 1966)
- Loula Grace Erdman ** (inducted before 1966)
- John Erickson (1983)
- Max Evans (2014)
- Will Evans (2022)
- B.H. Fairchild (1999)
- Robert Faires (2019)
- Mary Margaret Farabee (2005)
- David Farmer (1998)
- T. H. Fehrenbach (1969)
- Charles Ferguson ** (1959 or 1988)
- Wes Ferguson (2019)
- Roberta Fernandez (1991)
- Elizabeth Warnock Fernea (1976)
- Robert Fink (1990)
- Susan Fletcher (2025)
- Brian Floca (2023)
- Dan Flores (1991)
- Fernando Flores (2023)
- Betty Sue Flowers (2019)
- Robert Flynn (1970)
- Horton Foote ** (1959)
- Robert Ford (1973)
- Jan Isbelle Fortune* (1936)
- Ben Fountain (2006)
- Carrie Fountain (2019)
- Gene Fowler (2014)
- Joe B. Frantz ** (1952)
- Kinky Friedman (2004)
- Llerena Friend ** (inducted before 1966)
- George Fuermann (inducted before 1966)
- J. Bruce Fuller (2025)
- Laura Furman (1980)
- Héctor Galán (2023)
- Herbert Gambrell ** (inducted before 1966)
- Lionel Garcia (1992)
- Wayne Gard ** (inducted before 1966)
- Bryan A. Garner (2025)
- Claud W. Garner ** (inducted before 1966)
- Gregory Garrett (2005)
- Liz Garton Scanlon (2023)
- Ellen Clayton Garwood ** (1960)
- Xavier Garza (2019)
- Alicia Gaspar de Alba (2017)
- Jessie McGaw Geis ** (inducted before 1966)
- Samuel W. Geiser (inducted before 1966)
- Peter Gent (1980)
- George Getschow (2010)
- Andrew Geyer (2012)
- Reginald Gibbons (1986)
- Jewell Gibson ** (inducted before 1966)
- Dagoberto Gilb (1991)
- Paulette Giles (listed in newspaper reports as a new member in 1994)
- Everett A. Gillis** 1952 or 1988)
- Fred Gipson ** (inducted before 1966)
- Robert L. Girón (2025)
- William H. Goetzmann ** (inducted before 1966)
- Albert Golbarth (1981)
- Genaro Gonzales (1991)
- Miguel Gonzales-Gerth (1978)
- Ray Gonzalez (1991)
- John Morán González (2025)
- Dan Goodgame (2020)
- Frank Goodwyn (inducted before 1966)
- Larry Goodwyn (1970)
- Emily Fox Gordon (2008)
- Annette Gordon-Reed (2011)
- Thomas F. Gossett ** (1965)
- Jessica Goudeau (2025)
- Joe Goulden (1975)
- Alan Govenar (2012)
- William Goyen (inducted before 1966)
- Don Graham (1985)
- Phillip Graham (1952)
- Christine Granados (2014)
- Shirley Ann Grau (2002)
- John Graves ** (inducted before 1966)
- A.W. (Bill) Gray (2007)
- Westmoreland Gray (inducted before 1966)
- Andrew R. Graybill (2020)
- Ben K. Green (1969)
- A.C. Greene ** (1964)
- Hilton R. Greer* (1936)
- James K. Greer ** (1952)
- Stephanie Elizondo Griest (2013)
- John Howard Griffin (1953)
- Patricia Browning Griffith (1997)
- Tom Grimes (1998)
- Laurie Ann Guerrero (2016)
- Jeff Guinn (2004)
- Peter Gunter (1974)
- R.S. Gwynn (1989)
- S.C. Gwynne (2011)
- Elizabeth F. Hailey (1982)
- Babette Fraser Hale (2025)
- Leon Hale (1973)
- James Haley (2004)
- J. Evetts Haley* (1936)
- H. Palmer Hall (2005)
- Laura V. Hamner ** (inducted before 1966)
- Dave Hamrick (2000)
- Lewis U. Hanke ** (inducted before 1966)
- James Hannah (1999)
- Allen Hannay (1986)
- Stephen L. Hardin (1995)
- Stephen Harrigan (1980)
- Elizabeth Harris (2017)
- Leon Harris, Jr. ** (inducted before 1966)
- Ken Harrison (1991)
- William Harrison (1990)
- Margaret Hartley ** (inducted before 1966)
- William Hauptman (1988)
- David Haynes (2009)
- Sam Haynes (1998)
- Shelby Hearon (1974)
- Jack Heifner (2001)
- Kurt Heinzelman (2005)
- Don Hendrie (1986)
- Tim Z. Hernandez (2019)
- Olive Hershey (1989)
- Carl Hertzog (inducted before 1966)
- Katherine Hester (1998)
- Dave Hickey (1990)
- Rolando Hinojosa-Smith (1983)
- Tish Hinojosa (2019)
- Edward Hirsch (1988)
- Diana Hobby** (1964)
- Katherine Hoerth (2018)
- Carol Hoff** (inducted before 1966)
- James Hoggard (1977)
- Lynn Hoggard (2002)
- William C. Holden* ** (1936)
- Ellen Bowie Holland ** (inducted before 1966)
- Richard Holland (2000)
- Skip Hollandsworth (1995)
- Joe Holley (1998)
- Jean Holloway ** (1959)
- William R. Holman (1974)
- Kari Anne Holt (2023)
- Kimberly Willis Holt (2006)
- Kenneth Horan (inducted before 1966)
- Paul Horgan (inducted before 1966)
- Gerald Horne (2025)
- James Hornfischer (2008)
- Boyce House (inducted before 1966)
- Margaret Bell Houston (inducted before 1966)
- William V. Houston** (inducted before 1966)
- Claud Howard* (1936)
- Gene Howe* (1936)
- Louis H. Hubbard ** (1940)
- Cliff Hudder (2017)
- Andrew Hudgins (1988)
- Wilson M. Hudson ++ (inducted before 1966)
- Mary Gray Hughes (1983)
- J. Marvin Hunter* (inducted before 1966)
- Michael Hurd (2018)
- Harry Hurt III (1982)
- James Hynes (2005)
- John Irsfield (1998)
- John Irwin (1999)
- Molly Ivins (1983)
- Jack Jackson (2001)
- Ralph Jackson (inducted before 1966)
- Jan Jarboe (1994; last listed after 2001)
- B.C. Jefferson (inducted before 1966)
- Dan Jenkins (1974)
- John H. Jenkins (1974)
- Gary Jennings (1983)
- Paulette Jiles (1994)
- Elizabeth John (1977)
- Benjamin H. Johnson (2015)
- Olive McClintock Johnson* (1936)
- Siddie Joe Johnson* ** (1936)
- Sikes Johnson ** (inducted before 1966)
- Varian Johnson (2022)
- W.W. Johnson (1953)
- Bret Anthony Johnston (2018)
- Daryl Jones (1991)
- Kathryn Jones (2016)
- Preston Jones (1975)
- Stephen Graham Jones (2007)
- Terry Jordan (1996)
- Donald Joseph (inducted before 1966)
- Fady Joudah (2025)
- Nicolas Kanellos (1986)
- Mary Karr (1997)
- James C. Kearney (2016)
- Robert Earl Keen (2020)
- Steven G. Kellman (2005)
- Lawrence Kelly (1989)
- Elmer Kelton (1974)
- Laeken Zea Kemp (2024)
- Lysander Kemp (1973)
- Kathleen Kent (2020)
- Jack Kent (1985)
- Baine Kerr (2017)
- Karl Kilian (1986)
- Jimmie Killingsworth (2010)
- Larry L. King (1968)
- Eliithe Hamilton Kirkland** (1952)
- Kenneth Kitch (inducted before 1966)
- William H. Kittrell (inducted before 1966)
- Laura Lettie Krey ++ (inducted before 1966)
- Judith Kroll (2002)
- Fania Kruger ** (1937)
- James Kunetka (1985)
- Winifred Kupper ** (1952)
- Allen Lacy (1987 or 1988)
- Carlton Lake (1978)
- Lynn Landrum (inducted before 1966)
- Gerald Langford **(inducted before 1966)
- Fritz Lanham (1998)
- Joe Lansdale (2000)
- Peter La Salle (2000, last listed in 2001)
- Mary Lasswell ** (inducted before 1966)
- Gary Lavergne (2005)
- Robert A. Law (inducted before 1966)
- Jennifer Lawson (2025)
- Tom Lea ** (inducted before 1966)
- Joseph L. Leach (1971)
- Leroy Leatherman (inducted before 1966)
- David Lee (1998)
- Eugene Lee (2019)
- James Ward Lee (1974)
- Umphrey Lee (1940)
- Joanne Leedom-Ackerman (2016)
- John Palmer Leeper (1967)
- James C. Lehrer (1972)
- Kate Lehrer (2003)
- Ernest E. Leisy* ** (1936)
- Nicholas Lemann (1986)
- Warren Leslie ** (1953)
- Cynthia Levinson (2023)
- David Samuel Levinson (2021)
- Rich Levy (2010)
- Judd Mortimer Lewis* (1936)
- Preston Lewis (2021)
- Michael Lieberman (1997)
- José Limón (2000)
- Allen Lacy Linden (listed in newspaper reports as a new member in 1987)
- David Lindsey (1986)
- Therese Lindsey* (1936)
- Richard Linklater (2018)
- David Liss (2006)
- Carl Victor Little (inducted before 1966)
- Pat Little Dog (1995)
- Myra C. Livingston ** 1964)
- Attica Locke (2017)
- John A. Lomax* (1936)
- E. Hudson Long ** (1956 or 1988)
- Jeff Long (1993)
- Phillip Lopate (1983)
- Diana Lopez (2014)
- William Roger Louis (1990)
- Lyle Lovett (2025)
- Jerome Loving (2009)
- Richard G. Lowe (2007)
- Jeanette Sebring Lowrey (inducted before 1966)
- Beverly Lowry (1978)
- Sheryl Luna (2018)
- Lloyd Lyman (1981)
- Kirk Lynn (2018)
- John MacCormack (2019)
- Cynthia Macdonald (1980)
- Prudence Mackintosh (1978)
- James Magnuson (1989)
- Mabel Major ** (inducted before 1966)
- Bill Malone (1999)
- Stanley Marcus (1976)
- Robert Lee Maril (2007)
- Paula Mitchell Marks (1995)
- Katherine Taylor Marshall (1977)
- Russell L. Martin III (2011)
- William Martin (1981)
- Domingo Martinez (2014)
- Manuel Luis Martínez (2012)
- Hamilton (Tex) Maule (inducted before 1966)
- Maury Maverick (inducted before 1966)
- Allen Maxwell ** (inducted before 1966)
- C. M. Mayo (2017)
- Wendell Mayo (2019)
- Mary Margaret McAllen (2024)
- Walter Flavius McCaleb ** (inducted before 1966)
- Guadalupe García McCall (2018)
- John McCarty (inducted before 1966)
- Cormac McCarthy (1987)
- Holland McCombs ** (1953)
- Ann McCutchan (2010)
- Caleb McDaniel (2023)
- Walter McDonald (1978)
- Thomas McGann ** (1964)
- Jessie Brewer McGaw (1973)
- Bruce McGinnis (1984)
- John H. McGinnis* (1936)
- Lee McGriffin (1969)
- Alan McKillop* (inducted before 1966)
- Eugene McKinney (1971)
- Malcolm D. McLean (1994)
- Bonner McMillion ** (1953)
- James McMurtry (2020)
- Larry McMurtry ** (inducted before 1966)
- Terence McNally (1998)
- Thomas H. McNeal (1940)
- James McWilliams (2010)
- Angela Shelf Medearis (1994)
- Lupe Méndez (2025)
- Matt Mendez (2024)
- Michael Mewshaw (1975)
- Leon Metz (1993)
- Stephen Michaud (2005)
- James Michener (1993)
- Marcia Argüeta Michelson (2023)
- Christopher Middleton (1977)
- David Miller ** (induced before 1966)
- Helen Topping Miller (inducted before 1966)
- Vassar Miller ** (inducted before 1966)
- Bryce Milligan (2003) (resigned, 5-12-18)
- Bill Minutaglio (2004)
- A.G. (Grace) Mojtabai (1988)
- Peter Molyneaux* (1936)
- Jane Clements Monday (2012)
- Debra Monroe (1997)
- David Montejano (1996)
- Charlotte Baker Montgomery ** (inducted before 1966)
- Vaida Stewart Montgomery* (1936)
- Whitney Montgomery* ** (1936)
- Michael Mooney (2023)
- Robert Moore (2023)
- Pat Mora (1987)
- Patrick D. Moreland* (1936)
- Wayne Morgan ** (inducted before 1966)
- Celia Morris (2003)
- John Miller Morris (2001)
- Willie Morris (1968)
- Karla Morton (2011)
- Frances S. Mossiker ** (inducted before 1966)
- Ernest Mossner ** (1953)
- Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton (2025)
- Bill Moyers (1974)
- Andrew Forest Muir ** (1959)
- Harryette Mullen (1981)
- Debra Munroe (1997)
- Michael Martin Murphey (2021)
- Laurence Musgrove (2025)
- Jack Myers (1979)
- Joseph Milton Nance ** (1964)
- Debbie Nathan (2010)
- Isabel Nathaniel (1997)
- Frances Neidhardt (2004)
- Willie Nelson (2018)
- W.W. Newcomb, Jr. ** (inducted before 1966)
- Joan Lowery Nixon (1996)
- Lewis Nordyke (inducted before 1966)
- Kaye Northcott (1972)
- Naomi Shihab Nye (1982)
- Stephen B. Oates (1971 or 1988)
- Tim O’Brien (2003)
- Elizabeth Fagg Olds (1987)
- Dave Oliphant (1980)
- Chad Oliver ** (inducted before 1966)
- Charles Oliver (1975)
- James S. Olson (2010)
- Karen Olsson (2007)
- Cothburn O’Neal ** (inducted before 1966)
- Evelyn Oppenheimer (1977)
- Carolyn Osborn (1981)
- Albert Outler (1974)
- William A. Owens ** (1953)
- Américo Paredes (1974)
- Deborah Parédez (2012)
- James H. Parke* (1936)
- Michael Parker (2023)
- David M. Parsons (2009)
- Noel Parsons (2008)
- Joe Nick Patoski (2003)
- Leslie Jill Patterson (2024)
- Norma Patterson (Dalton)* ** (1936)
- Darwin Payne (2005)
- Leonidas W. Payne, Jr.* (1936)
- Leigh Peck (inducted before 1966)
- Rena Pederson (2025)
- Kathleen Peirce (2004)
- Ashley Hope Pérez (2023)
- Emma M. Pérez (2020)
- Emmy Pérez (2020)
- Severo Perez (2018)
- Laurence Perrine **1964)
- Carmen Perry (1976)
- Green Peyton ** (inducted before 1966)
- George Sessions Perry (inducted before 1966)
- Ross Phares ** (1952)
- Robert Phillips (1994)
- Tom Pilkington (1996)
- Sasha Pimentel (2018)
- John Pipkin (2025)
- Stanley Plumly (1983)
- Andrew Porter (2025)
- Billy Porterfield (1970)
- Mary Poole (inducted before 1966)
- J. L. Powers (2020)
- Terry Pringle (1985 or 1988)
- Susan Prospere (1998)
- Kevin Prufer (2021)
- Luise Putcamp, Jr.** (1953)
- Octavio Quintanilla (2025)
- Charles Ramsdell (1960)
- Harry Ransom ** (inducted before 1966)
- Cleatus Rattan (2016)
- Nancy Richey Ransom ** (1956)
- Barbara Ras (2009)
- Dick J. Reavis (1986)
- John Rechy (1971)
- Roger Reeves (2023)
- Ben Rehder (2012)
- Jan Reid (1979)
- William C. Repass (inducted before 1966)
- Carol Coffee Reposa (2016)
- Richard Clay Reynolds (1989)
- Rupert N. Richardson ** (inducted before 1966 or 1988)
- Judyth Rigler (1998)
- Rick Riordan (2003)
- Geoff Rips (2008)
- Carl Coke Rister (inducted before 1966)
- Charles Ray Ritcheson (1971)
- Cristina Rivera Garza (2021)
- Eloise Roach ** (1959)
- Joyce Gibson Roach (1989)
- Garland Roark ** (inducted before 1966)
- Warren Roberts (1972)
- Lexie Dean Robertson* (1936)
- Kenneth Rockwel l (inducted before 1966)
- Lou Rodenberger (2001)
- José Antonio Rodríguez (2018)
- John William Rogers* (1936)
- Pattiann Rogers (1986)
- Mary Beth Rogers (2018)
- David Romo (2025)
- Ito Romo (2019)
- John Rosenfield* (1936)
- Ilse Skipsna Rothrock (1974)
- Ron Rozelle (2007)
- Paul Ruffin (1988)
- Lupe Ruiz-Flores (2022)
- Rudy Ruiz (2024)
- Jane Gilmore Rushing (1969)
- David Russell (inducted before 1966)
- Michael Ryan (1977)
- Robert Rylee (inducted before 1966)
- Benjamin Alire Sáenz (2009)
- M.E. Sadler (inducted by 1966)
- Arthur M. Sampley ** (inducted before 1966)
- Leonard Sanders (1965)
- James Sanderson (1999)
- Lisa Sandlin (1997)
- Annette Sanford (1990)
- Winifred Sanford* (1936)
- Andrew Sansom (2020)
- John Phillip Santos (2012)
- George Saunders (2021)
- Steven Saylor (2014)
- Robert Schenkkan (2025)
- Buck Schiwetz (1973)
- Steven Schneider (2018)
- Rainer Schulte (1992)
- Jim Schutze (2012)
- Marian Schwartz (1999)
- Maryln Schwartz (2001)
- Sandra Scofield (1995)
- Elaine Scott (2017)
- Jan Epton Seale (2006)
- William Seale (2014)
- David Searcy (2005)
- Joe Sears (1993)
- Timothy Seibles (1994)
- Martha Serpas (2025)
- Amilcar Shabazz (2009)
- Terry Shames (2023)
- Rosa Shand (2002)
- Ntozake Shange (1986)
- Roger Shattuck ** (1965)
- Bill Shearer (1986)
- Janice Shefelman (2013)
- Robert Sherrill (1975)
- Ted Shine (2018)
- Martin Shockley ** (1956)
- Edwin (Bud) Shrake (1968)
- Henderson Shuffler (1970)
- Cecil Shuford ** (1965)
- William Jack Sibley (2015)
- ire’ne lara silva (2020)
- Jake Silverstein (2011)
- Marc Simmons (1997)
- Ruth J. Simmons (2024)
- Thad Sitton (2017)
- John P. Sjolander (inducted before 1966)
- José Skinner (2018)
- Audrey Slate (1994)
- Bill Sloan (2007)
- James Smallwood (2011)
- Dominic Smith (2011)
- Charles G. Smith ** (inducted before 1966)
- C.W. Smith (1976)
- Cynthia Leitich Smith (2022)
- Griffin Smith jr. (1976)
- Goldie Capers Smith (inducted before 1966)
- Henry Nash Smith* (inducted before 1966)
- Rebecca W. Smith (Lee)* ** (1936)
- T.V. Smith (1964)
- Edward Snow (1998)
- Roland Sodowsky (1990)
- Octavio Solis (2020)
- Charles L. Sonnichsen ** (inducted before 1966)
- Christina Soontornvat (2022)
- Terry Southern (inducted before 1966)
- John Spong (2013)
- Kurth Sprague (1982)
- John S. Spratt ** (inducted before 1966)
- Monroe K. Spears (1980)
- William Browning Spencer (2001) (resigned, 3-2-22)
- Willard Spiegelman (2007)
- Claude Stanush (2007)
- Daniel Stern (1996)
- Hart Stillwell (inducted before 1966)
- Leon Stokesbury (1988)
- Francisco Stork (2022)
- Rosalyn Story (2017)
- D.J. Stout (2006)
- Floyd Stovall (inducted before 1966)
- Carelton Stowers (2002)
- W.K. (Kip) Stratton (2006)
- Whitley Strieber (1985)
- Melissa Studdard (2022)
- Jesse Sublett (2001)
- Chester Sullivan (1974 or 1988)
- John E. Sunder ** (1959; last listed after 1973)
- Doug Swanson (2001)
- Mimi Swartz (1993)
- Edward Swift (1985 or 1988)
- Larry Swindell (1987 or 1988)
- Howard Swindle (1994)
- Natalia Sylvester (2020)
- Carmen Tafolla (2009)
- John Taliaferro (2001)
- Don Tate (2022)
- Lonn Taylor (2012)
- Regina Taylor (2020)
- Ellen Clarke Temple (2019)
- Alan Tennant (1982)
- Marshall Terry (1968)
- Lorenzo Thomas (1981)
- Larry D. Thomas (2009)
- Helen Thompson (2023)
- Jerry Thompson (2011)
- Thomas Thompson (1977)
- Andrés Tijerina (2007)
- Tim Tingle (2012)
- Lon Tinkle *(inducted before 1966)
- Giles Tippette (1977)
- Frank X. Tolbert (inducted before 1966)
- Chris Tomlinson (2025)
- Jesús Salvador Treviño (2019)
- Natalia Treviño (2024)
- Sergio Troncoso (2012)
- R.A. Tsanoff ** (1936)
- Decherd E. Turner ** (inducted before 1966)
- Frederick Turner (2003)
- Ron Tyler (1976)
- Leslie Ullman (1982)
- Robert Utley (2003)
- Alexandra Vandekamp (2025)
- Frank E. Vandiver ** (inducted before 1966)
- William H. Vann* ** (1936)
- John Grier Varner (1971)
- Abraham Verghese (2001)
- Fran Vick (1997)
- Edward Vidaurre (2022)
- Tino Villanueva (1991)
- Katy Vine (2025)
- R.G. Vliet (unknown)
- Sherry Kafka Wagner (1978)
- Barbara K. Walker (1976)
- Dale Walker (1986)
- Celeste Bedford Walker (2017)
- Loretta Diane Walker (2020)
- Mary Willis Walker (1996)
- Stanley Walker (inducted before 1966)
- Christian Wallace (2023)
- Amanda Eyre Ward (2022)
- Frank H. Wardlaw ** (inducted before 1966)
- Bryan Washington (2021)
- LaToya Watkins (2025)
- John Watson (inducted before 1966)
- Randall Watson (2025)
- Donley Watt (1996)
- John Waugh (2011)
- Terrell Webb (1974)
- Walter Prescott Webb* (1936)
- David Weber (1986)
- Robert S. Weddle (1973)
- John Edward Weems ** (inducted before 1966)
- Steven Weinberg (1994)
- Ann Weisgarber (2014)
- Elliott West (1998)
- Richard West (1980)
- David Westheimer ** (inducted before 1966)
- Donald Wetzel ** (inducted before 1966)
- David Wevill (1981)
- James B. Wharey* (1936)
- Elizabeth Lee Wheaton ** (inducted before 1966)
- Thomas Whitbread ** (inducted before 1966)
- John Manchip White (1976 or 1988)
- Lowell Mick White (2014)
- Victor White ** (inducted before 1966)
- Barbar a Whitehead (1987)
- Fred Whitehead (1987)
- Allen Wier (1980)
- Betty Wiesepape (2007)
- Scott Wiggerman (2021)
- Autry Nell Wiley **(1940)
- Margaret Lee Wiley ** (inducted before 1966)
- David Marion Wilkinson (2014)
- Samuel Frederic Will ** (inducted before 1966)
- Dan Williams (2020)
- George Williams ** (1952 or 1988)
- Jaston Williams (1993)
- Jeanne Williams ** (inducted before 1966)
- John Williams (listed in newspaper reports as a new member in 1974)
- Lucinda Williams (2024)
- Mary Willis (1996)
- Laura Wilson (2003)
- John H. Wilson ** (inducted before 1966)
- Miles Wilson (1992)
- Steve Wilson (2008)
- Christian Wiman (2018)
- Dorman H. Winfrey ** (1965)
- Marion Winik (1997)
- William D. Wittliff (1969)
- George Wolfskill ** (inducted before 1966 or 1988)
- Jane Roberts Wood (1996)
- Susan Wood (1981)
- Dee Woods ** (inducted before 1966)
- Bryan Woolley (1977)
- Robert Wooster (2011)
- Donald Worcester (1978)
- Bill Wright (2020)
- Lawrence G. Wright (1985)
- Rosalind Wright (1987)
- Laura Faye M. Yauger* (1936)
- Ramsey Yelvington ** (inducted before 1966)
- Monica Youn (2025)
- Margaret Young (Page) (1953)
- Michael Zagst (1990)
- Emilio Zamora (2012)
- Susan Zeder (2023)
- Gwendolyn Zepeda (2012)
- Jennifer Ziegler (2022)
- Tom Zigal (1995)
- Joaquín Zihuatanejo (2023)
- Lillian Lee Greer Bedichek [“Mrs. Roy Bedichek”] (1965)
- Bertha McKee Dobie [“Mrs. J Frank Dobie”] (1965)
- Terrell Louise Dobbs Webb [“Mrs. Walter Prescott Webb”] (1965)
- Hilton Greer
- Larry McMurtry
- William H. Vann
- Karle Wilson Baker
- Steve Davis (2020)
- Joseph Dawson
- J. Frank Dobie
- Robert Flynn
- John Graves (1969)
- A.C. Greene (1969)
- James Hoggard (2012)
- Tom Lea (1969)
- Carolyn Osborn (2012)
- Leonidas W. Payne Jr.
- W.K. (Kip) Stratton (2017)
- Marshall Terry
- Sergio Troncoso (2023)
- Celeste Bedford Walker (2024)
- Frank Wardlaw (1969)
- Walter Prescott Webb
- John Edward Weems (1994)
- William Wittliff (1994)