
1. Click the button of the item you want. On your browser, a new tab will appear with your shopping cart. (You can also press the View Cart button on this page at anytime.) The tab to its left will be this page.

2. Click other items you want until you are satisfied with your purchase. Please note that membership dues are only paid by people who have already been inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters. Payment of dues does not make non-members part of the TIL.

3. When you checkout, you can pay with any major credit card or a PayPal account. You do not need to have a PayPal account, except for the subscription for automatic membership renewal.

4. Double-check and adjust the quantity of each item: sometimes the software inadvertently adds two of an item.

(To submit payments by regular mail, click and print this PDF form.)

Annual Membership Dues
(January-January): $75.00

Lifetime Membership Dues

Banquet Fees
$75.00 per person (The awards banquet is open to the public.)

List all attendees:

Annual Membership Dues
(Automatic Yearly Renewal): $75.00
(This is a separate transaction and does not appear in View Cart. This is the only transaction that requires a PayPal account. January is the best month to set this automatic renewal.)

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Please consider a tax-deductible donation to help the Texas Institute of Letters.

General contribution to the TIL


The Texas Institute of Letters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Honor Society founded in 1936 to celebrate Texas literature and to recognize distinctive literary achievement.

The TIL’s elected membership consists of the state’s most respected writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, journalism, and scholarship. Induction into the TIL is based on literary accomplishments. Application for membership is not accepted. The rules governing the selection of members and officers are contained in the TIL By-Laws. The TIL annually elects new members, gives awards to recognize outstanding literary works, bestows a lifetime achievement award, and supports the Jesse H. Jones Fellowship for writers.

The TIL has no paid staff or office space—our council and officers serve on a volunteer basis and member dues help support our literary awards, basic operating expenses, and the annual banquet and awards weekend.

Donations, for example, help fund prizes not currently endowed and help pay for the annual banquet, website, and printing costs not covered by membership dues. Thank you for your support.

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