Awards 2010-2019


April 30 – May 1 Radisson Hotel Downtown, Austin

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Larry L. King
  • Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Scott Blackwood, We Agreed to Meet Just Here (New Issues)
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Bryan Burrough, The Big Rich: The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Texas Oil Fortunes (Penguin Press).
  • Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): John Pipkin, Woodsburner (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday).
  • TIL Award for Best Scholarly Book ($2,500): Emilio Zamora, Claiming Rights and Righting Wrongs in Texas: Mexican Workers and Job Politics During World War II (Texas A&M University Press).
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): William Virgil Davis, Landscape and Journey (Ivan R. Dee).
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Marjorie Kemper, “Discovered America” (Southwest Review, Fall 2009).
  • O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism ($1,000): John Spong, “Holding Garmsir” (Texas Monthly, January 2009).
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Lindsay Starr, I Do Not Apologize for the Length of This Letter: The Mari Sandoz Letters on Native American Rights, 1940-1965 (Texas Tech Press).
  • Austin Public Library Friends Foundation Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Gwendolyn Zepeda, Sunflowers/Girasoles (Pinata Books).

There were no winners of the following awards for 2010:

  • Stanley Walker Award for Best Work of Newspaper Journalism
  • Friends of Austin Public Library Foundation for Best Young Adult Book
  • Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for Best Translation of a Book (The Fraser Award is given every two years.)


April 29-30, Radisson Central, Dallas

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): C. W. Smith
  • Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Jan Reid, Comanche Sundown (Texas Christian University Press).
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Gary Lavergne, Before Brown: Herman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall and the Long Road to Justice (University of Texas Press).
  • Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Bruce Machart, The Wake of Forgiveness (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).
  • TIL Award for Best Scholarly Book ($3,000): Neil Foley, Quest for Quality: The Failed Promise of Black-Brown Solidarity (Harvard University Press).
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Barbara Ras, The Last Skin (Penguin Poets).
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): C. W. Smith, “Caustic”
  • (Southwest Review, Summer 2010).
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Elyse Fenton, Clamor (Cleveland State University Poetry Center) *      
  • O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism ($1,000): Pamela Colloff, “Innocence Lost” (Texas Monthly, October, 2010)
  • Stanley Walker Newspaper Journalism Award Award ($1,000): Tim Madigan, 5- part series on surgery of a child (Fort Worth Star-Telegram).
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Julie Savasky and dj Strout, The Gernsheim Collection, edited by Roy Flukinger, (University of Texas Press/Harry Ransom Center)
  • Austin Public Library Friends Foundation Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): The Party for Papa Luis;/La Fiesta Para Papa Luis (Arte Publico Press).
  • Austin Public Library Friends Foundation Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): Dotti Enderle, Crosswire (Boyds Mill Press).

*        This award is funded for five years by Wanda Baker Bush of Sherman in honor of her late husband, Robert (Bob) Bush, a former representative in the Texas Legislature who was well known for his support of cultural organizations across the state.


April 13-14, Menger Hotel, San Antonio

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Gary Cartwright Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Stephen Harrigan, Remember Ben Clayton (Alfred A. Knopf).
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Steven Fenberg, Unprecedented Power: Jesse Jones, Capitalism, and the Common Good (Texas A&M University Press).
  • Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Siobhan Fallon, You Know When the Men Are Gone (Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam).
  • TIL Award for Best Scholarly Book ($3,000): Christopher Long, The Looshaus (Yale University Press).
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Jennifer Grotz, The Needle (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Bret Anthony Johnston, “Paradeability” (American Short Fiction).
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Jose Antonio Rodriguez, The Shallow End of Sleep (Tia Chucha)
  • O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism ($1,000): Skip Hollandsworth, “The Lost Boys” (Texas Monthly, April, 2011)
  • Stanley Walker Newspaper Journalism Award Award ($1,000): Jordan Smith, “The Science of Injustice” (Austin Chronicle, August 19, 2011).
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Barbara Werden and Lindsay Starr, Lone Star Law, written by Michael Ariens, (Texas Tech Press).
  • Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for Translation in 2011-2012 ($1,000): Dave Oliphant, After-Dinner Declarations by Nicanor Parra (Host Publications).
  • Austin Public Library Friends Foundation Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Elaine Scott, Space, Stars and the Beginning of Time (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).
  • Austin Public Library Friends Foundation Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): J.L. Powers, This Thing Called the Future (Cinco Puntos Press).


April 5-6, Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center, San Marcos

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Stephen Harrigan
  • Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Ben Fountain, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (Ecco Press).
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Margie Crisp, River of Contrasts: The Texas Colorado (Texas A&M University Press).
  • Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Kevin Grauke, Shadows of Men (Queen’s Ferry Press).
  • TIL Award for Best Scholarly Book ($3,000): Kate Sayen Kirkland, Captain James A. Baker of Houston (Texas A&M University Press).
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Ken Fontenot, In a Kingdom of Birds (Pinyon Publishing).
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): James Sanderson, “Bankers” (descant).
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Kathleen Winter, Nostalgia for the Criminal Past (Elixir Press).
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000): Melissa del Bosque, “The Deadliest Place in Mexico” (Texas Observer, February 29, 2012)
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Kristina Kachele, In the Country of Empty Crosses, written by Arturo Madrid, (Trinity University Press).
  • H-E-B Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Donna Rubin, Log Cabin Kitty (TCU Press).
  • H-E-B Award for Best Young Adults Book ($500): Melodie Cuate, Journey to Plum Creek (Texas Tech University Press).

(Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for Best Translation of a Book was not awarded in 2013; the prize is awarded every two years.)


April 4-5, Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center, San Marcos

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Jan Reid
  • Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Tom Zigal, Many Rivers To Cross (TCU Press).
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): John Talifarro (co- winner), All The Great Prizes: The Life of John Hay from Lincoln to Roosevelt (Simon & Schuster). Lawrence Wright (co-winner), Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief (Knopf)
  • Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Nan Cuba, Body and Bread (Engine Books).
  • TIL Award for Best Scholarly Book ($3,000): Raúl Coronado, A World Not to Come: A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture (Texas A&M University Press).
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Pattiann Rogers, Holy Heathen Rhapsody (Penguin Books).
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Bret Anthony Johnston, “To A Good Home” (Virginia Quarterly Review).
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Sasha West, Failure And I Bury The Body (Harper Perennial).
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000): John MacCormack, “Life On The Shale” (San Antonio Express News, series).
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Lindsay Starr, Two Prospectors: The Letters of Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark (University of Texas Press).
  • H-E-B/Jean Flynn Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Xavier Garza, Maximilian and the Mystery of the Bingo Rematch (Cinco Puntos Press).
  • H-E-B Award for Best Young Adults Book ($500): Kathi Appelt, The True Blue Scouts of Sugar Man Swamp (Atheneum Books).
  • Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for Translation in 2011-2012 ($1,000): David Bowles, Flower, Song, Dance: Aztec and Mayan Poetry (Lamar University Press).


April 10-11, Hilton University of Houston Hotel, Houston

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Lawrence Wright
  • Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Elizabeth Crook, Monday, Monday (Sarah Crichton Books/Farrar, Strauss and Giroux).
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Michael Morton, Getting Life: An Innocent Man’s 25-Year Journey from Prison to Peace (Simon & Schuster).
  • Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Merritt Tierce, Love Me Back (Doubleday).
  • Ramirez Award for Most Significant Scholarly Book ($3,000): Lawrence T. Jones, Lens on the Texas Frontier (Texas A&M University Press).
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Katherine Hoerth, Goddess Wears Cowboy Boots (Lamar University Press).
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Brian Van Reet, “Eat The Spoil” (Missouri Review).
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Chloe Honum, The Tulip-Flame (Cleveland State University Poetry Center).
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000): Pamela Colloff, “The Witness” (Texas Monthly)
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Bill Wittliff and Ellen McKie, The Devil’s Backbone, written by Bill Wittliff, illustrated by Jack Unruh (University of Texas Press).
  • H-E-B/Jean Flynn Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Nikki Lofton, Nightingale’s Nest (Razorbill)
  • H-E-B Award for Best Young Adults Book ($500): Claudia Guadalupe Martinez, Pig Park (Cinco Puntos Press).
  • Denton Record-Chronicle Award for Best Children’s Picture Book ($500): Pat Mora and Libby Martinez, I Pledge Allegiance (Knopf Books for Young Readers).

(Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for Best Translation of a Book was not awarded in 2015; the prize is awarded every two years.)


April 15-16, Bullock Texas History Museum, Austin

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Sarah Bird
  • Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction ($6,000): Antonio Ruiz-Camacho, Barefoot Dogs (Scribner)
  • Steven Turner Award for Best Work of First Fiction ($1,000): Mary Helen Specht, Migratory Animals (Harper Perennial)
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Jan Jarboe Russell, The Train to Crystal City (Scribner)
  • Ramirez Family Award for Most Significant Scholarly Book ($2,500 Andrew Torget, III, Seeds of Empire (The University of North Carolina Press)
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200) Laurie Ann Guerrero, A Crown for Gumecindo (Aztlan Libre Press)
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): J. Scott Brownlee, Requiem for Used Ignition Cap (The Orison Poetry Prize)
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000): W.K. Stratton, “My Brother’s Secret,” in Texas Monthly (February 2015)
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Brian Van Reet, “The Chaff,” in Iowa Review
  • H-E-B/Jean Flynn Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Don Tate, The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton: Poet (Peachtree Publishers)
  • H-E-B Best Young Adults Book ($500): Brian Yansky, Utopia, Iowa (Candlewick)
  • Denton Record-Chronicle Award for Best Children’s Picture Book ($500): Pat Mora, The Remembering Day / El dia de los muertos (Arte Público Press)
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Andrea Caillouet, designer, The Luck Archive: Exploring Belief, Superstition, and Tradition by Mark Menjivar (Trinity University Press)
  • Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for Best Translation of a Book ($1,000): Marian Schwartz, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (Yale University Press)


April 7-8, Ardovino’s Desert Crossing and Hilton Doubletree, El Paso

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Pat Mora
  • Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction ($6,000) Paulette Jiles, News of the World (William Morrow)
  • Steven Turner Award for Best Work of First Fiction ($1,000): Amy Gentry, Good as Gone (Mariner Books)
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Skip Hollandsworth, The Midnight Assassin (Henry Holt)
  • Ramirez Family Award for Most Significant Scholarly Book ($2,500): Max Krochmal, Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era (The University of North Carolina Press)
  • Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Bruce Bond, Gold Bee (Crab Orchard Series)
  • Bob Bush Memorial Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Miriam Bird Greenberg, In the Volano’s Mouth (University of Pittsburg Press)
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000): Stephen Harrigan, “Off Course,” in Texas Monthly (June 2016)
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): David Meischen, “Cicada Song,” in Salamander
  • H-E-B/Jean Flynn Award for Best Middle-Grade Book ($1,000): Kathi Appelt and Alison McGhee, Maybe a Fox (Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books)
  • H-E-B Best Young Adults Book ($1,000): Phillippe Diederich, Playing for the Devil’s Fire (Cinco Puntos Press)
  • Denton Record-Chronicle Award for Best Children’s Picture Book ($1,000): Dianna Hutts Aston, A Beetle is Shy (Chronicle Books)
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Kristie Lee, designer, From Tea Cakes to Tamales by Nola McKey and Cora F. McKown (Texas A&M Press)


April 6-7, Menger Hotel and La Villita, San Antonio

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Sandra Cisneros
  • Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction ($6,000): Jan Reid, Sins o f the Younger Sons (Texas Christian University Press)
  • Sergio Troncoso Award for Best Work of First Fiction ($1,000): Chanelle Benz, The Man Who Shot Out My Eye is Dead (Harper Collins: Ecco Press)
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Roger D. Hodge, Texas Blood: Seven Generations Among the Outlaws, Ranchers, Indians, Missionaries, Soldiers, and Smugglers o f the Borderlands (Knopf)
  • Ramirez Family Award for Most Significant Scholarly Book ($2,500): Jerry D. Thompson, Tejano Tiger: José de l os Santos Benavides and the Texas- Mexico Borderlands, 1823 – 1891 (Texas Christian University Press)
  • Helen C. Smith Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,500): Sasha Pimentel, For Want of Water: and other poems (Beacon Press)
  • John A. Robertson Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Vanessa Villarreal, Beast Meridian (Noemi Press)
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000) Bret Anthony Johnston, “Miss McElroy,” in Ecotone
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000) Rose Cahalan, “Ride Like a Girl,” in The Texas Observer
  • Jean Flynn Award for Best Middle Grade Book ($1,000): Michael Merschel, Revenge of the Star Survivors (Holiday House)
  • H-E-B Award for Best Young Adult Book ($1,000): Francisco X. Stork, Disappeared (Arthur A. Levine Books)
  • Denton Record-Chronicle Award for Best Children’s Picture Book ($1,000) Xelena González and Adriana M. Garcia, All around Us (Cinco Puntos Press)
  • Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for Best Translation of a Book ($1,000): Philip Boehm, translator of Chasing the King of Hearts , by Hanna Krall (The Feminist Press at City University of New York)
  • Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Mary Ann Jacob, designer, The Nueces River, Rio Escondido, by Margie Crisp and William B. Montgomery (Texas A&M University Press)


April 26-27, Casa De Palmas Hotel, McAllen

  • Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Naomi Shihab Nye
  • Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction ($6,000): Natalia Sylvester, Everyone Knows You Go Home (Little A Press)
  • Sergio Troncoso Award for Best Work of First Fiction ($1,000) Steven Markley, Ohio (Simon & Schuster)
  • Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Ben Fountain, Beautiful Country Burn Again: Democracy, Rebellion, and Revolution (Ecco Press)
  • Ramirez Family Award for Most Significant Scholarly Book ($2,500): Brent Nongbri, God’s Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts (Yale University Press)
  • Helen C. Smith Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,500) Tarfia Faizullah, Registers of Illuminated Villages (Graywolf Press)
  • John A. Robertson Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000) Megan Peak, Girldom (Perugia Press)
  • Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Clay Reynolds, “Autumn Moon,” in New Texas
  • Edwin “Bud” Shrake Award for Short Nonfiction ($1,000): Clay Reynolds, “Railroad Man,” in New Madrid
  • Jean Flynn Award for Best Middle Grade Book ($1,000): Co-Winners: David Bowles, They Call Me Güero (Cinco Puntos Press) and Varian Johnson, The Parker Inheritance (Arthur A. Levine Books)
  • Texas Institute of Letters Award for Best Young Adult Book ($1,000): David Bowles, Feathered Serpent, Dark Heart of Sky: Myths of Mexico (Cinco Puntos Press)
  • Texas Institute of Letters Award for Best Children’s Picture Book ($1,000) Chris Barton, What Can You Do with a Voice Like That? (Beach Lane Books)

Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750) was not awarded, and will be switched to every two years.

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