April 15 – San Antonio, Menger Hotel
- Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Walt McDonald. Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Borrowed Hearts: New and Selected Stories (Seven Stories Press), by Rick DeMarinis.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Swaggart: The Unauthorized Biography of an American Evangelist (Continuum), by Ann Rowe Seaman.
- Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Hadrian’s Walls (Knopf), by Robert Draper.
- Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): Border Boss: Manuel Bravo and Zapata County (Texas A&M University Press), by J. Gilberto Quezada.
- Natalie Ornish Poetry Award in Memory of John Edward Weems ($1,000): Whatever the Wind Delivers (Texas Tech University Press),by Walt McDonald.
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for the Best Translation of a Book Into English ($1,000): Verses on the Death by Helinand of Froidmont (Cistercian Publications), translated by Jenny Lind Porter.
- Brazos Bookstore (Houston) Award for Best Short Story, Memory of Bill Shearer ($750): “Comfort Me With Apples” (Southern Review), by Tracy Daugherty.
- O. Henry Award (Sue and Frank McBee) for Best Work of Journalism in a Magazine or Sunday Supplement ($500): “Good Losers” (The New Yorker), by Steven and Rick Barthelme.
- Stanley Walker Award (Sue and Frank McBee) for the Best Work of Journalism in a Daily Newspaper ($500): “Greetings from Cuba” (Wichita Falls Times-Record News), by James Hoggard.
- John Bloom Humor Award (The Joe Bob Briggs Prize for the Goldang Funniest Texas Book) $1,000: Interstate Dreams (Mojo Press), by Neal Barrett Jr. *
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Book Design of a Trade Book ($750): On the Plains (Center for Documentary Studies/W. W. Norton), by Peter Brown. Designed by Molly Renda.
- Stanley Marcus Award for Best Book Design ($750): Angels on High: Marton Varo’s Limestone Angels on the Nancy Lee and Perry R Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, Texas (TCU Press), by Ronald G. Watson. Designed by Margerie Adkins West.
- Book Publishers of Texas Awsard for Best Book for Children or Young People ($250): Grandma Fina and Her Wonderful Umbrellas/La Abuelita Fina y Sus Sombrillas Maravillosas (Turtleback Books), by Benjamin Alire Saenz.
*First year awarded
March 31 – Dallas, Doubletree Hotel
- Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Leon Hale.Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): The Gravity of Sunlight (SoHo Press), by Rosa Shand.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): The Hutterites of Montana (Yale University Press), by Laura Wilson.
- Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): The Gravity of Sunlight (SoHo Press), by Rosa Shand.
- Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): The Cast Iron Forest (University of Texas Press), by Richard Francaviglia.
- Natalie Ornish Poetry Award in Memory of Charlotte Royal Moskowitz ($1,000): Renunciation (University of Illinois Press), by Corey Marks.
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for the Best Translation of a Book into English ($1,000): Duino Elegies (North Point Press), by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Edward Snow.
- Brazos Bookstore (Houston) Award for Best Short Story Given in Memory of Bill Shearer ($750): “Deep Wilderness” (The New England Review), by Glen Pourciau.
- O. Henry Award for Best Work of Journalism in a Magazine or Sunday Supplement Given by Frank and Sue McBee of Austin ($1,000): “Sins of the Father” (Texas Monthly), by Pamela Colloff.
- Stanley Walker Award Award for the Best Work of Journalism in a Daily Newspaper Given by Frank and Sue McBee of Austin ($1,000): “The Hill Country — Loving It To Death” (San Antonio Express-News) by Joe Holley.
- Stanley Marcus Award for Best Book Design ($750): Willard Clark: Printer and Printmaker, by David Farmer (Museum of New Mexico Press). Designed by Bradley Hutchison.
- Book Publishers of Texas Awsard for Best Book for Children or Young People ($750): Crookwood (Blue Rose Books), by Barbara Elmore. *
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000): Shrub (Random House) by Molly Ivins and Lou DuBose.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Trade-Book Design ($750): John Graves and the Making of Goodbye to a River (Taylor Wilson Publishing), edited by David S. Hamrick, designed by dj Stout and Julie Savasky.
*Award increased from $250
March 23 – Austin, Radisson Hotel
- Lon Tinkle Award for Lifetime Achievement, given by James Early and Marshall Terry ($1,500): Dr. William H. Goetzmann, Jack S. Blanton Sr. Chair in History and American Studies at the University of Texas in Austin.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Nonfiction ($5,000): Sacagawea’s Nickname: Essays on the American West (New York Review of Books), by Larry McMurtry.
- Jesse H. Jones Award for Fiction. given by Houston Endowment: ($6,000): The Yokota Officers Club (Knopf), by Sarah Bird.
- Steven Turner Award for First Fiction, given by the family of the late teacher and writer, ($1,000): Carousel of Progress (Villard Books). by Katherine Tanney.
- Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for the Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): Pavie in the Borderlands (Louisiana State University Press), by Betje Klier.
- Best Book of Poetry Award ($5,000): Asunder (Penguin), by Susan Wood. *
- Soeurette Diehl Frazer Award for a Book of Translation ($1,000): Final Poems (Braziller), by Rabindranath Tagore, translated by Wendy Barker and Saranindranath Tagore.
- Natalie Ornish Award for Best First Book of Poetry, given by in memory of Charlotte Royal Moskowitz ($1,000): Bullroarer (Northeastern Univerity Press), by Ted Genoways.
- Brazos Bookstore (Houston) Award for a Short Story, given in memory of Bill Shearer ($750): “Tickle Torture” (Ploughshares), by Tom McNeely.
- O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism, given by Sue and Frank McBee ($1,000): “The Book on Willie Morris” (Texas Monthly), Larry L. King.
- Stanley Walker Award for Newspaper Journalism in a daily newspaper or Sunday Supplement, given by Sue and Frank McBee ($1,000): “A Deadly Distinction” (Houston Chronicle), by Mike Tolson, James Kimberly, Steve Brewer and Allen Turner.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Animals that Migrate (Franklin Watts Press), by Carmen Bredeson. **
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): When Kambia Elaine Flew from Neptune (Aladdin Paperbacks), by Lori Aurelia Williams. **
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Trade-Book Design ($750): Folktales of the Zapatista Revolution (Cinco Puntos Press, 2001), by Subcommandante Marcos. Designed by Vicki Trego Hill.
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000): Adventures of a No Name Actor (Bloomsbury Books), by Marco Perela.
*New award; previous award for poetry is now for Best First Book of Poetry
**New awards for best book for children or young people.
March 20 – Galveston, Hotel Galvez
- Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Shelby Hearon.
- Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): The Hermit’s Story (Houghton Mifflin), by Rick Bass.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): The Underground Heart: A Return to a Hidden Landscape (University of Arizona Press), by Ray Gonzalez.
- Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Borrowed Light (SMU Press), by Lisa Schamess.
- Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law, and Justice in the Age of the Sophists (University of Texas Press), by Michael Gagarin.
- Natalie Ornish Award for Best First Book of Poetry in Memory of A.C. Greene and John Edward Weems ($1,000): Advent (Waywiser Press), by Dan Rifenburgh.
- Best Book of Poetry Award ($5,000): It’s Time (LSU Press), by Reginald Gibbons.
- Brazos Bookstore (Houston) Award for Best Short Story in Memory of Bill Shearer ($750): “Near Extinct Birds of the Central Cordillera,” by Ben Fountain III.
- O. Henry Award for Best Work of Journalism in a Magazine or Sunday Supplement (1,000): “The Man Behind Bin Laden” (The New Yorker), by Lawrence Wright.
- Stanley Walker Award Award for the Best Work of Journalism in a Daily Newspaper ($1,000): “Cities of Ideas” (Austin American-Statesman), by Mark Lisheron and Bill Bishop.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Trade-Book Design ($750): Pedro Paramo, by Juan Rulfo ; Photographs by Josephine Sacabo (University of Texas Press). Book and jacket design dj Stout and Julie Savasky:
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Where, Where Is Swamp Bear? (Harper Collins), by Kathi Appelt.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): Comfort (Houghton Mifflin), by Carolee Dean.
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000): Meanwhile Back at the Ranch (Simon & Schuster), by Kinky Friedman.
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for the Best Translation of a Book into English ($1,000): WAS NOT GIVEN THIS YEAR.
March 27 – Fort Worth, Radisson Plaza Hotel
- Lon Tinkle Award for Lifetime Achievement ($1,500): Bud Shrake
- Jesse H. Jones Award for Fiction ($6,000): The English Disease (Algonquin), by Joseph Skibell.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Nonfiction ($5,000): Kings of Texas (Wiley), by Don Graham.
- Steven Turner Award for First Fiction ($1,000): The Student Conductor, by Robert Ford.
- Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for the Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): Almonte’s Texas (Texas State Historical Association). Edited by Jack Jackson, translated by John Wheat.
- Book of Poetry ($5,000): Early Occult Memory Systems of the Lower Midwest (Norton), by B. H. Fairchild.
- Natalie Ornish Poetry Award for First Book of Poetry ($1,000): Co-winnners:The Green Girls (Pleiades Press), by John Blair Cusp (Mariner Books), by Jennifer Grotz.
- Soeurette Diehl Frazer Award for a Book of Translation ($1,000): Nelida (State University of New York Press), by Marie D’Agoult, translated by Lynn Hoggard.
- Brazos Bookstore (Houston) Award for a Short Story in Memory of Bill Shearer ($750): “Claire” (Yale Review), by Stephen Barthelme.
- O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism ($1,000): “End of the River” (Texas Monthly) by Jan Reid.
- Stanley Walker Journalism Award for Best Story in a newspaper or Sunday Supplement ($1,000): Homelessness series by Dick Reavis (San Antonio Express-News).
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for a Children’s Book ($500): Emily Goes Wild (Gibbs-Smith), by Betty Lou Phillips.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for a Young-Adults Book ($500): My Road Trip to the Pretty Girl Capital of the World (Cricket Books), by Brian Yansky.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Trade-Book Design ($750): The Texas Cowboy Kitchen (Ten Speed Press), designed by dj Stout and Julie Savasky.
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000): NOT AWARDED THIS YEAR
April 30 – Austin, Stephen F. Austin Hotel
- Lon Tinkle Award for Lifetime Achievement ($1,500): Historian T. R. Fehrenbach.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Work of Nonfiction ($5,000): Huck’s Raft (Harvard University Press), by Steven Mintz.
- Jesse H, Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction ($6,000): Anything You Say Can and Will Be Held Against You (HarperCollins), by Laurie Lynn Drummond.
- Steven Turner Award for Best First Fiction ($1,000): Corpus Christi (Random House), by Bret Anthony Johnston.
- Natalie Ornish Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,000): Not Till We Are Lost (LSU Press), by William Wenthe.
- Award for Scholarly Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): Changing National Identities at the Frontier: Texas and New Mexico 1800-1850 (Cambridge University Press), by Andres Resendez.
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for Best Translated Book ($1,000): Death in Danzig (Harcourt, Brace), by Stefan Chwin, translated by Philip Boehm. *
- John Bloom Award for the Funniest Texas Book ($1,000): Balaam Gimble’s Gumption (John M. Hardy Publishing Co.), by Mike Nichols.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Jack and the Beanstalk (HarperCollins), by Diane Stanley.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): Cecilia’s Year (Cinco Punto Press), by Susan Abraham and Denise Gonzales.
- Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($750): “Bouki and the Cocaine” (Zoetrope), by Ben Fountain. **
- Stanley Walker Award for Best Newspaper Journalism Appearing in Newspaper or Sunday Supplement ($1,000): “The Search for Eddie Peabody” (Houston Chronicle), by Zanto Peabody.
- O. Henry Award for Best Work of Magazine Journalism ($1,000): “The Kingdom of Silence” (The New Yorker), by Lawrence Wright.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Maps of the Imagination, by (Trinity University Press). Designed by dj Stout and Julie Savasky.
*Poetry reverts back to one award.
**New donor for short story award
April 2 – Austin, Marriott Capitol Hotel
- Lon Tinkle Award for Lifetime Achievement, funded by Marshall Terry and Mrs. James Early ($1,500): James Hoggard, Perkins-Prothro Distinguished Professor of English, Midwestern State Univerity, Wichita Falls. *
- Jesse H. Jones Award for Fiction ($6,000): Bleed into Me: A Book of Stories (University of Nebraska Press), by Stephen Graham Jones.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Nonfiction ($5,000): Tulia: Race,Cocaine and Corruption in a Small Texas Town (Public Affairs Press), by Nate Blakeslee.
- Steven Turner Award for First Fiction ($1,000): Waterloo (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), by Karen Olsson.
- Award for the Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge ($1,000): Freedom Colonies (University of Texas Press), by Thad Sitton and James H. Conrad. **
- Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,000): As Long As It’s Big (Johns Hopkins University Press), by John Bricuth. *
- Soeurette Diehl Frazer Award for a Book of Translation ($1,000): Demosthenes: Speeches 18 and 19 (University of Texas Press). Translated by Harvey Unis.
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000): NOT AWARDED THIS YEAR
- Kay Catarulla Award for a Short Story ($750): “The Lives of Rocks” (Zoetrope), By Rick Bass.
- O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism ($1,000): “Unholy Act” (Texas Monthly), by Pamela Colloff
- Stanley Walker Award for Newspaper Journalism in a newspaper or Sunday Supplement ($1,000): “One Nation: Two Worlds” (Houston Chronicle), by Edward Hegstrom, Tony Freemantle, and Elena Vega:
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for a Children’s Book ($500): Not Norman: A Goldfish Story, by Kelly Bennett.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Young Adult Book ($500): Pamela Porter: The Crazy Man, by Pamela Porter.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Trade-Book Design ($750): Conjunto (University of Texas Press), photographs by John Dyer. Designed by dj Stout and Julia Savasky.
*New Donors
**TIL funds the award after Friends of the Dallas Public Library drops sponsorship.
April 14 – Dallas, Park Cities Hilton Hotel
(Special Presentation of a plaque to the family of Allen Maxwell, 93, former vice president of TIL, member of the Council, director of the SMU Press, editor of Southwest Review, book editor of The Dallas Morning News, and member of TIL for more than 60 years, honoring him for long service to Texas letters.)
- Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): William D. Wittliff
- Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): The Road (Knopf), by Cormac McCarthy.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): The Looming Tower: Al-Aaeda and the Road to 9/11 (Knopf), by Lawrence Wright.
- Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre (Atria), by Dominic Smith.
- TIL Award for the Most Significant Scholarly Book ($2,500): Civil War to the Bloody End: The Life and Times of Major General Samuel P. Heintzelman (Texas A&M University Press), by Jerry Thompson. *
- Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): Goat Funeral (Sheep-Meadow), by Christopher Bakken.
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award for the Best Translation of a Book ($1,000): White on Black (Harcourt), by Ruben Gallego, translated by Marian Schwartz.
- O. Henry Award for Best Work of Journalism in a Magazine or Sunday Supplement ($1,000): “The Good Book and the Bad Book” (Texas Monthly, September 2006), by John Spong.
- Stanley Walker Award Award for the Best Work of Journalism in a Daily Newspaper or Sunday Supplement ($1,000): “The Gulf Coast Revisited” (Houston Chronicle), by Tony Freemantle.
- Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($750): “Prisoners of War” (Glimmer Train), by Mark Wisniewski.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Book Trade Book Design ($750): Timeleess Texas (Texas A&M University Press), designed by Mary Ann Jacob.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Crossing Bok Chitto: A Choctaw Tale of Friendship and Freedom (Cinco Puntos Press), by Tim Tingle.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): Scrambled Eggs at Midnight (Dutton), by Heather Hepler.
*Award increased from $1,000
April 19 – Dallas, Park Cities Hilton Hotel, Dallas
- Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): David J Weber.
- Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Run in the Fam’ly (University of Tennessee Press), by John J McLaughlin.
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): From Bloodshed to Hope in Burundi: Our Embassy Years During Genocide (University of Texas Press), by Robert Krueger and Kathleen Tobin Krueger.
- Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Run in the Fam’ly (University of Tennessee Press), by John J. McLaughlin.
- TIL Award for Best Scholarly Book Contribution to Knowledge ($2,500): Cortina: Defending the Mexican Name in Texas (Texas A&M Press), by Jerry Thompson.
- Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,000): Fragment of the Head of a Queen (Sarabande Books), by Cate Marvin.
- Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($750): “The Elephant) (Tin House, Summer, 2007) by Rick Bass.
- O. Henry Award for Best Work of Journalism in a Magazine or Sunday Supplement ($1,000): “The Lives of the Browns” (Southern Review), by Rick Bass.
- Stanley Walker Award Award for the Best Work of Journalism in a Daily Newspaper ($1,000): “Breaching America” (San Antonio Express-News), by Todd Bensman.
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Reflections of a Man: The Photographs of Stanley Marcus (Cairn Press), by Jerrie Smith and Allison Smith. Designed by dj Stout and Julie Savasky.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Perdito’s Way (Texas Tech University Press), by Arturo O. Martinez.
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): I’ll Ask You Three Times, Are You OK? (Greenwillow Books), by Naomi Shihab Nye.
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000) NO AWARD GIVEN
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for the Best Translation of a Book into English ($1,000) will given in 2009 for books published in 2007 and 2008.
April 17-18 Hilton Hotel, Waco
- Lon Tinkle Lifetime Achievement Award ($1,500): Carolyn Osborn.
- Jesse Jones Award for Best Book of Fiction ($6,000): Thomas Cobb, of Foster Rhode Island, Shavetail (Scribner).
- Carr P. Collins Award for Best Book of Nonfiction ($5,000): Brendan M. Greeley Jr., The Two Thousand Yard Stare: tom Lea’s World War II Paintings, Drawings and Eyewitness Accounts (Texas A&M University Press).
- Steven Turner Award for First Book of Fiction ($1,000): Ann Weisgarber, The Personal History of Rachel DuPree (Macmillan New Writing).
- TIL Award for Most Significant Scholarly BookBest Scholarly Book ($2,500): James M. Smallwood, The Feud That Wasn’t: The Taylor Ring, Bill Sutton, John Wesley Hardin, and Violence in Texas (Texas A&M University Press).
- Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for Best Book of Poetry ($1,200): James Allen Hall, Now You’re the Enemy (University of Arkansas Press).
- Kay Cattarulla Award for Best Short Story ($1,000): Kerry Neville Bakken, “Indignity” (The Gettysburg Review, Spring 2008).
- O. Henry Award for Magazine Journalism ($1,000): Rick Bass, “Mary Katherine’s First Deer” (Gray’s Sporting Journal, Sept./Oct. 2008)).
- Stanley Walker Award Award for Best Work of Journalism Appearing in Newspaper of Sunday Supplement ($1,000): Todd Bensman and Guillermo Contreras, “Texas’ Deadliest Export” (San Antonio Express-News).
- Fred Whitehead Award for Best Design of a Trade Book ($750): Barbara Whitehead, Traces of Forgotten Places by Don Collins (Texas Christian University Press).
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Children’s Book ($500): Benjamin Alire Saenz, The Perfect Season for Dreaming (Cinco Puntos Press).
- Friends of the Austin Public Library Award for Best Young Adult Book ($500): Claudia Guadalupe Martinez, The Smell of Old Lady Perfume (Cinco Puntos Press).
- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Translation Award for Translation in 2007-2008 ($1,000): Reginald Gibbons, Sophocles, Selected Poems: Odes and Fragments (Princeton University Press).
- John Bloom Humor Award for Funniest Texas Book ($1,000) NO AWARD GIVEN