Awards 1950-1959

Years indicate when annual TIL meetings took place. Until 1955, eligible books were published betweenAugust 1 of the meeting year and the previous August 1. No awards were given in 1954, and beginning in 1955, eligible entries had to be published in the calendar year preceding the annual meeting. 1950 …

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TIL Members 1936-Present

The list of TEXAS INSTITUTE OF LETTERS MEMBERS from 1936 to 1966 was compiled from lists included in William Vann’s History of the Texas Institute of Letters: 1936 to 1966. However, Betty Wiesepape found that Vann’s list of inactive members in 1966 was probably not a complete listing. The list…

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TIL Council 2020-2029

2020 March 27-28, No MeetingThe meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.) Officers President: Carmen Tafolla, San AntonioVice President: Sergio Troncoso, El Paso Secretary: William Jack Sibley, San Antonio Treasurer: W. K. Stratton, AustinRecording Secretary: Kurt Heinzelman, Austin Councilor Members David Bowles, Rio Grande Valley Cary Clack, San AntonioMarcia…

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TIL Council 2010-2019

2010 President: Darwin Payne, DallasVice President: Fritz Lanham, HoustonSecretary: W. K. (Kip) Stratton, Round RockTreasurer: James Hoggard, Wichita FallsRecording Secretary: Betty Wiesepape, Richardson Councilors:T. Lindsay Baker, Rio VistaTy Cashion, HuntsvilleRobert Compton, GarlandSteve Davis, San MarcosKate Lehrer, Washington, D.C.Frances Neidhardt, ShermanCarmen Tafolla, San AntonioAndrés Tijerina, Austin 2011 President: Darwin Payne, DallasVice…

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Awards 1939-1949

 Years indicate when annual TIL meetings took place. Until 1955, eligible books were published between August 1 of the meeting year and the previous August 1.  1939  Book of the Year (Nonfiction): Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver (Little, Brown, 1939), by J. Frank Dobie.  1940  Book of the Year (Nonfiction): Captain Lee…

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Awards 1970-1979

1970  Carr P. Collins Award for Best Nonfiction Book ($1,000): No Quittin’ Sense (University of Texas Press, 1969) by C. C. White, as told to Ada Morehead Holland.  Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Fiction Book ($1,000): Beachhead in Bohemia: Short Stories (LSU Press, 1969) by Willard Marsh.  Friends of the Dallas Public…

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